When printing in resin as opposed to with filament, the finished work needs to be cured one last time after it’s been washed. There are beautiful little rigs that combine both these steps, but where is the fun in that?

Once I knew I needed one the way forward was obvious.

Infinity mirror UV curing chamber

Hard to capture on video, but the look is absolutely amazing and with the addition of a small solar powered turntable you have “free” power to rotate your resin model and cure from all angles. The use of mirrored UV film on the inside of the glass door also prevents UV rays from escaping and curing other works in progress.

As for the wash part? Wish I could tell you it was something fancier than two containers of T-Röd (denatured alcohol) for a clean and dirty wash. Once the dirty is saturated it is put on the balcony to cure and evaporate, with the previous “clean” now becoming the wash 2 and fresh spirits going into vat 1.

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