One of those things that just catches in your brain and you can’t leave it be till it’s done. Popcorn and licorice flavour, with the licorice coming from powdered root and the popcorn simply from boiling popcorn into the cream.
This being only for me it is with lactosey cream and with animal based gelatin, but in the future it could likely be done vegetarian and lactose free. The gelatin has lovely patterns in, would make great latticed-windows in a gingerbread house. In future versions I think I would use movie or microwave popcorn for that extra (gross) popcornbuttery touch and would use saltlakrits/salmiak for a sharper and saltier licorice hit.
I am choosing to embrace the subtlety of the panda pattern, I tried some more obvious designs but this felt like a decent balance.
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